Sunday, July 6, 2008

A Real Direction

Fr. Carron quotes Fr. Giussani in "The Enthusiasm for Truth Is Called 'Faith'":
“Following the Movement is following it in its real direction, and its real direction is the one with the absolute and only passion of making Christ known again, that Christ become the judgment of life and affection, that He become memory and affection, because this is what changes the world. This is what changes the world, folks! This alone changes our life, nothing else–not [our] opinions on culture, not [our] opinions on the way to live the life of the community, because, if we follow on this level, we understand that even the way of living the life of the community has to be learned and followed. The Movement has gone ahead because of its unity, certainly not because of the autonomy of its members’ opinions” (Certi di alcune grandi cose [Certain of a Few Great Things], p. 80).

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